121 sessions

Since the pandemic KOGS 121s have become an increasingly popular referral largely due the fact that group work was not possible for a large part of 2020/21.

The benefits of 121s are:
⁃ Working with a trained therapist
⁃ Bespoke session around complex needs
⁃ Some children find it easier to engage
⁃ Short term (4-5 45 minute sessions)

Is a 121 right for your young person?

A 121 is for any referral which may need further unpicking for example, where there seems to be no acknowledgement of the risks. A 121 may be more appropriate where there is trauma or adverse childhood experiences. KOGS have access to high quality trained therapists specialising in a range of modalities including CBT, Play and Art therapy,
Counselling and Person Centred. All our therapists have enhanced DBS and are fully insured.

What’s the alternative to a 121?

Where we find that there is a group of 3 or more referrals from the same school who have similar issues (example, inappropriate images/online or social media use etc) we will usually offer a small group programme. KOGS have specifically designed modules for group settings which means we can still create a bespoke package but accommodate more referrals.

Who / how can I refer?

The majority of referrals come from the MASH and directly from schools but other professionals that work with children and young people are also welcome to access the service as well as parents.

Please use our referral form and send to k.o.g.s@hotmail.co.uk

How much does it cost?

KOGS 121s are possible through grant funding and therefore there is no cost to the person making the referral, school or client. If you are a funder and interested in supporting KOGS we would love to hear from you.

To enquire please use the contact form on the website.